Contact & Visiting Info

General Contact
MAIN OFFICE: 218-729-8673
HAY & PRODUCE SALES (please contact our main office): 218-729-8673
MEAT PROCESSING: 218-729-3442
MEAT MARKET (retail): 218-729-3401
6102 Abrahamson Road
Saginaw, Minnesota 55779
To check on bed availability if your agency is outside of the ARC region, contact Kathy Lionberger at 218-729-3411.
Division Director, Kathy Lionberger
Meat Processing, Matt Wrazidlo and Rob Fideldy
Hay Sales, Brad Olesiak
Greenhouse, Curt Bogatzki
Visitation Information for Justice Involved Men
Video calls are used for Visitation. Our facility uses Reliance for video calls, phone calls, and texting.
Reliance resident voicemail 218-216-7331.
Scheduling a Visit & Conduct Rules
On-site video visits must be approved prior to arrival at our facility. On-site video visitation will be held on Wednesdays and Sundays. Five approved visit slots will be permitted between the hours of 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm.
In order to schedule a video visit at our facility please email your request to Once approved you will receive confirmation from the above email address.
Please be sure to arrive on time. Video visits in the facility will be limited to 20 minutes. If you are more than 10 minutes late your visit will be cancelled unless there is no visit scheduled for the following timeslot. This visit would also be limited to 20 minutes.
All visitors and residents will be required to observe the following general rules during remote and on-site video visitation:
a. If nudity of any kind is shown during a video call the resident will lose video calling privileges.
b. A resident may refuse to visit with a particular individual.
c. Those residents who are named as the restrained person in any restraining or other valid court order shall not be allowed visits from persons who are protected by the order.
d. Visitors must be appropriately attired prior to entry into the visitor’s area of the facility.
e. Inappropriate clothing, such as transparent clothing, halter tops, spaghetti straps, clothing that is very short, see-through clothing, clothing that promotes drugs or alcohol, hats and bandanas or any other clothes associated with a criminal gang or otherwise deemed by the staff to be offensive or unacceptable, will not be permitted.
f. Any area used for resident visiting may be subject to audio monitoring, recording or both. Residents must be advised of monitoring and recording by signs and the Resident Handbook. Professional visits shall not be recorded unless a court order has been issued (Minn. R. 2911.3200(I)).
g. Visits may be terminated at any time and without prior notice if institutional security requires it.
h. Residents are not allowed to move about the facility while visiting.
i. Visitors shall not take photographs or record video footage during on-site or remote visitation sessions.
j. Residents are not allowed to visit during count.
k. Residents shall not display other residents, staff members, or facility layout on their devices.
Conduct Specific to On-Site Visits:
1. A maximum of four visitors (immediate family only) will be permitted to visit a resident at any one time during on-site visitation. Juveniles visiting residents must be deemed age appropriate by the parent or guardian accompanying the child. Where a dispute over children visiting occurs between the resident and the parent or legal guardian, the resident will be advised to use the court for resolution. Adults must control minors while they are waiting to visit and during the visit (Minn. R. 2911.3200(L)).
2. All visitors must have appropriate footwear.
3. Visitors will leave all personal items, with the exception of car keys and identification, outside of the facility. Visitors who enter the facility with handbags, packages or other personal items will be instructed to lock the items in a vehicle or return at another time without the items. The facility is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
4. Food, drink, or tobacco use is not permitted in the visitor’s area.
5. Residents will be permitted to sign legal documents, vehicle release forms or any other items authorized by the Shift Coordinator. Transactions of this nature will not constitute a regular visit.
6. No Cell phones, iPad, electronic devices photography or recording equipment.
7. Visitors are not allowed to switch visitation terminals unless approved by staff.
8. Visitors are responsible for arranging their own transportation to and from NERCC. If visitors are transported to NERCC by a third party who is not visiting, the third party may not wait on NERCC property, but must return prior to the end of the visiting period.
9. Visitors who appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted to visit. Staff will notify law enforcement anytime a visitor appears to be operating, or about to operate, a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
10. Visitors must behave in a polite, respectful, dignified manner during visiting.
11. Visits shall be 20 minutes in duration unless the resident's or visitor’s behavior dictates a need to terminate a visit earlier.
How to add money to a resident’s commissary account:
NERCC utilizes Stellar commissary for resident purchases. Please follow the link below and read instructions.
Go to
You will be required to make an account in order to place money on a resident’s account. Once you have created an account, sign in.
1. Select Send Money Now button
2. Select the appropriate state and facility
3. Enter at least 3 characters of the resident’s last name or their ID
4. Enter your payment information and amount of deposit, click the check box after reading the terms and conditions and select ok
5. Review the payment details and click Send Money
You can place money on an account by using Visa or MasterCard